Meet Lisa

Mom of two daughters and two pups, loving wife, full-time Senior Marketing Coordinator, Yoga instructor, and Founder of LP Vibes.

During the pandemic, I started thinking about what makes me happy in life. I’ve always wanted to create something but never knew what or even how to begin. I found that pulling a daily affirmation card made me feel positive and happy. I created my deck in the hope that others can start each day with positive energy. Over the past few years, I realized how many people were suffering. Depression rates climbed and therapists were hard to come by. Parents were struggling and so were their children.

My daughter Alex who helped me create the children’s affirmation cards.

Growing Up

My teen years were the most difficult time of my life. I was severely bullied and this inevitably led to my loss of self-love and confidence. I went through the darkest days of my life and became a parents’ worst nightmare. I felt so lonely that I decided I didn't want to live anymore and attempted suicide. I was young and I didn't realize the value of the one precious life I was given. My road to happiness was not smooth and easy, but instead, one filled with obstacles and challenges that I was forced to overcome the hard way. I suffered for years from a lack of emotional and psychological resilience.  During that time, my family didn’t talk about these issues and I wasn’t able to share my pain with friends. I felt shame, embarrassment and a fear of being judged.  Years later, I went through another dark period in my life, struggling yet again but with a different issue. The difference then was, I was stronger. It was at this point that I stopped and started to reevaluate my life and I decided…


At my breaking point,  I decided I deserved happiness. That day and everyday moving forward I was going to give myself the love and confidence that I deserved. It continues to this day and I will never stop.


And here’s how my love for Affirmation cards started

My sweet mother-in-law Paulette, who has been a positive impact in my life, came to me one morning with a deck of Louise Hay affirmation cards. I had no idea what an affirmation card was and she explained, “They are cute little positive verses that you pick from a deck each morning.” Little did I know the impact these cards would have on my life. I started pulling them daily with my morning coffee. When I traveled, I would pack my decks so I was able to continue the daily morning ritual I created.

I practice gratitude every day

Practicing gratitude each morning is like breathing to me. I am able to do this without effort because I appreciate the life I almost lost. “Rise and Reset your Mind Every Day,” is what I say to myself each morning.  Because I experienced traumatic darkness in my life, I understand what it means to see the light. Maybe that’s why mornings mean so much to me. I’ve always loved the start of a new day, a day where I can evolve from the day before, a day that brings light, calmness and a new beginning.

My story My Purpose

In order to fully heal, I decided to share my story. I do it with courage, confidence and without shame. I believe my purpose in life is to help others create positive energy and self-love.

I combatted my fear head-on, and at full speed, and it has taught me that my passion and a belief in myself will always lead to success. So to end, I will leave you with the message from the affirmation card that I selected today from my inspiring and hopeful deck of cards: “Confront your fears or bow to them. The choice is yours.”

Here’s to a new version of you!



Ali Rosa Photography